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Ad Rates

Whether you’re looking to promote your business in our newspaper, online, or in our magazine, we’ve got you covered with competitive rates and extensive reach. Discover the perfect advertising solution for your needs below.

Open Rate / Non-Contract:

  • $25.00 per column inch (pci)
  • Discount for Chamber/DBA Members: $22 pci
  • Note: As in any business, the more you buy, the better the rate. Ask about our frequency rates.

Full Process Color

  • Up To 35” = $35.00
  • Over 35” = $60.00


  • $55.00 per thousand – single sheet
  • Multi-page insert rates available

Business Service Directory

  • $13.00 for the first five lines
    (each additional line $3.00)
  • Note: Four week minimum purchase.

Private Party Display Ads

  • $11.00 per column inch
    ($17.00 additional for color)

Private Party Line Ads

  • $11.00 for four lines 
    (each additional line $3.00)
    (approx. 30 characters per line)

Commercial/Help Wanted Line Ads

  • $22.00 for four lines
    (each additional line $3.00) 
    (approx. 30 characters per line)

Help Wanted Ads

  • Help Wanted Line Ad:
    • $22.00 for the first four lines,
      $3.00 for each additional line.
      (approx. 30 characters per line)
  • Help Wanted Display Ad:
    • $20.00 per column inch
      ($17.00 additional for color)

Legal Notices*

  • Must be prepaid.
  • Rate is 41.5 cents (.415) per line for the first insertion.
  • Each additional insertion cost 32.5 cents (.325) per line, per day.
    • Example: the notice is 67 lines and needs to run 4 times.
      • 67 lines x .415 cents = $27.80
      • 67 lines x .325 = $21.77 x 3 = $65.31
      • $65.31 + $27.80 = $93.11 (price advertiser must prepay)
      • Content provided by advertiser.

Legal Advertising LLC Publications*

  • Must be prepaid.
  • LLC Publications run for 6 weeks consecutively.
  • Cost is $95 for all six weeks.
  • Content for LLC is provided by advertiser.
  • Sample content is available upon request.

Liquor License Notices*

  • Must be prepaid.
  • Cost is $40 for two insertions.
  • Content is provided by advertiser.
  • Sample content is available upon request.
    *Affidavit of Publication is provided to each customer at the end of the required times run.


  • Death Notice
    • 50 words: $35.00
  • Standard
    • Up to 300 words: $60.00
      Includes photo, sameday posting to website and Facebook
  • Extended
    • 301-400 words: $125.00
      ($75 for every 100 words after the 400)

Download Our Media Kit


2024 Media Kit

Download our media kit for the latest ad rates, more information about our publications and reach, and our editorial calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get your newspaper delivered to my home or business?

Unfortunately we do not offer “subscription services” at this time, but we do home deliver to over 4,000 homes in and around Saratoga Springs and bulk drop over 6,000 copies each Friday – please see DROP SPOTS for individual locations. If you are interested in getting home delivery, CLICK HERE to notify our Distribution Manager. If there is enough interest in your area, we will start delivering there.

How do I stop or delay home delivery of my paper?

Drop a note to our Distribution Manager, Kim Beatty at kbeatty@saratogapublishing.com.

What is your target demographic?

Our targeted home delivery program focuses on desirable communities, ranging from the prestigious Saratoga Lake neighborhoods to the traditional homes located throughout the greens at McGregor Links Country Club.

If you are looking to reach homeowners, business owners, Moms, and Dads, then Saratoga TODAY is the media of choice for Saratoga Springs.

What are your preferred print file formats?

*.pdf, *.eps, *.ai, *.psd, *.indd, *.qxp, *.tiff

Note: Files should be in their original format, e.g., no flattening or rasterizing, with all fonts and associated files included. Rasterized files should be 300 dpi or larger. Low resolution files are more difficult to prepare for press, potentially causing delays and errors during the proofing process.

What are your preferred web file formats?

*.png, *.jpeg, *.gif

Note: Web images should be no larger than 20 KB.

Where should I send my ad files?

Creative files that do not exceed 10 MB can be emailed to ads@saratogapublishing.com or to your sales rep.

For larger files – up to 2 GB at a time – we recommend using wetransfer.com. Here, you can upload your files and create a link that you can send via email.

What are your preferred applications?

Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Word.