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Home & Garden

Builder’s Corner: Love it, List It and/or Build it …During a Pandemic?

What Combination Is Right For You and How To Figure It Out THE CURRENT MARKET CLIMATE AND HOW TO TAKE YOUR CONSUMER TEMPERATUREThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a lasting impact ...

The Heart of the Garden

I LOVE LILIES!They take little effort to plant and grow, and the rewards are huge.They’re winter hardy, so once you plant them they stay in forever, multiply quickly, and provide ...

The Fear of Planting Seeds

There are a lot of beginning vegetable gardeners this spring. Among these well-meaning folks there seems to be a nearly universal fear of planting seeds. Some seeds, like tomatoes and ...
GettinDirty Yardwork

Have Fun Getting Dirty: Yard Work Tips, Drive-Through Garden Center, Home Growing

Tips and Tricks for Yard Workby Opal Jessica Bogdan SARATOGA SPRINGS — Taking the opportunity to venture outside and do yard work is a great way to split up monotony ...

Things You May Not Know: Dandelions

Skirt lengths float up and down, men’s ties get wider and narrower as do lapels. The older one gets, the less one cares about these subtleties of fashion. You might ...

Builder’s Corner: This May be the Year to add an Outdoor Kitchen and Bar to your Back Yard!

Americans will be Eager to Spend Time Outdoors this Summer This May be the Year to add an Outdoor Kitchen and Bar to your Back Yard! Most of us have ...

Welcoming Signs of Spring

I welcome any sign that spring is near. One of those signs is seeing the first bluebird of the season. Anyone who has ever seen one knows the feeling of ...

Think Spring: Lilies and Irises

In February, the packaged dormant bulbs arrive at the garden centers. Among them are one of my favorites: the easy-to-grow lilies. Many of the showy cultivars thrive in our northern ...

Wild Birds on a Cold Winter Day

NOTHING livens up a cold winter day like wild birds flitting and darting to and from your bird feeder. Their bright colors and lively manner bring a bit of cheer ...

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