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Thursday, 31 March 2022 13:58 Written by John Reardon
Sheet-Pan Baked Rainbow Trout and Asparagus. Trout is flavored with olive oil, salt and cracked black pepper, freshly minced garlic and fresh lemon. Sheet-Pan Baked Rainbow Trout and Asparagus. Trout is flavored with olive oil, salt and cracked black pepper, freshly minced garlic and fresh lemon.

Hellomy Foodie Friends!   

Fishing season begins this Saturday. I have so many great memories of my Dad and his love of fishing. It didn’t matter if it was the ocean or a little creek in Vermont where he grew up. He loved fishing and we loved going with him. My brothers Dan and Bill were more successful than I was at this sport. I think I talked too much back then as a child. 

As I reminisce on the experience of fishing with my father, I realize that fishing was a way for him to relax and reconnect with his love for the outdoors. At that time, he worked 12 hours a day Monday through Saturday, which didn’t allow a lot of time to spend with his family. However, when he began getting one afternoon off during the week in the summer, I was excited when he chose to make that afternoon our special time to go fishing together. 

My father’s prep assignment for his three boys was to dig for worms and have the poles ready to go when he got home. I think that the digging for worms was my favorite part. 

As I got a little older, my favorite part about fishing with my father was the many hours talking about his childhood and my dreams for the future. We didn’t catch many fish, but my memories are a much greater treasure than any mess of fish.

The memories and experience of fishing was something I tried to transfer and share with my son and daughter. When my son John was younger, I would take him fishing as often as I could. It turned out that by age five, he was better at fishing then I was. He would say to me “Daddy you talk too much and scare the fish away!” To this day, I still give fishing my best, and consider it a successful day if I can get my son to spend six hours with me. We do share our love of eating fresh fish. 

Take time with your family to try out the time-honored sport of fishing. Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place. Pick up the gadgets that help you cook up your catches. Try fishing for compliments this spring. Remember my Foodie Friends, “Life Happens in the Kitchen.”

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Take Care, John & Paula


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