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Friday, 13 November 2020 15:39 Written by John Reardon

Hello my Foodie Friends!

Among many of my favorite things to do, is to hunker down and watch good movies. I have shared in prior articles my love of movies, classic characters, and franchise within the film industry that keep me connected to a group of characters and story lines. A true favorite of both Paula and mine is the James Bond film franchise.  Since we were young children and now, we still love to watch Bond movies together. Through the decades we have been entertained by a hero through and through, one that includes not being afraid of danger. This past month we lost part of the iconic James Bond family, Sean Connery. Sean Connery, in particular, set the mold for the Bonds to follow. He blended his rugged Scottish heritage with an essential element of elegance to portray the debonair intelligence agent. However, no real or fictional character has done more for the classic Martini than James Bond. It is in Casino Royale that we are introduced to James Bond’s refined drinking style. The term “shaken, not stirred” has become a catch phrase from the James Bond fictional character of Ian Fleming’s novels that have become much followed movies. In the film “Casino Royale,” James Bond instructs the bartender how to make his Martini; “A dry Martini. Three measures of Gordoni, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well unil it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel.” This Martini has also taken on the title of the “Vesper.” Here is the official recipe for “The Vesper Martini:” 60 ml. gin, 20 ml. vodka, 10 ml. Lillet Blanc or Cocchi Americano. Shake all ingredients with ice in a shaker. Then pour into a chilled Martini glass. Add a lemon twist. 

The Cocktail shaker is the essential tool you will need to make many of the cocktails you may be creating this holiday season. The majority of cocktail recipes call for the ingredients to be shaken using a cocktail shaker. It is by far the most used, enjoyable, and entertaining method for preparing mixed drinks and it’s unbelievably simple. The primary purpose for shaking cocktails is to completely integrate all of the drink’s ingredients in order to create one beautiful blend of flavor. The shake is the most thorough way to mix drinks and, if you notice, the majority of cocktail recipes recommend this technique.

The goal of shaking is to: Thoroughly mix the drink’s ingredients and create a unified flavor and give the drink a good chill. The use of a cocktail shaker can add enough dilution to knock the strength of the drink down so it is more pleasant to sip. You can also use the cocktail shaker to mix your non-alcoholic creations. 

Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store to pick up the accoutrements you may need this holiday season to entertain. Maybe even start rewatching your favorite film classics or franchise. Remember my Foodie Friends, “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

 Take Care,
John & PaulaREARDON WardEight

Read 1039 times Last modified on Friday, 11 December 2020 15:41

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