June 19 – June 25, 2020
Friday, June 19
Free Kids Concert
Saratoga Children’s Theatre Free Livestream Concert
7 – 8 p.m. | Each year Saratoga Children’s Theatre select scripts to produce on stage to train and educate today’s youth through musical theater to set and achieve high artistic and personal goals, and to inspire them to become exemplary artists, patrons and citizens of tomorrow. Your contributions mean that children throughout the Saratoga area will receive training and they will have the experience of a lifetime. We are honored and thankful for your support! Facebook.com/SaratogaChildrensTheatre. To donate: SaratogaChildrenTheatre.org/donate
Sunday June 21
Annual Strawberry Social
Wilton Heritage Museum, 5 Parkhurst Rd., Wilton
1 – 4 p.m. | Curbside pickup only. Donation $5. Collected in jar, exact cash. Strawberries, home-made biscuits, freshly whipped cream. Sorry we cannot socialize as usual because State restrictions.
Tuesday, June 23
Ed Kelley Chef Dinners – Italian Delight
Saratoga Senior Center, 5 Williams St., Saratoga Springs
3 – 4 p.m. | Curbside pick-up only. Longfellows staff and the Senior Center want to cook for you in honor of the countless “fish” dinners Ed prepared. Call the Senior Center or sign up via “My Active Center” by the day before by 2 p. m. cost is $10. Sponsored by The Eddy.
Wednesday, June 24
Meatloaf Dinner
Saratoga-Wilton Elks, 1 Elk Lane, Saratoga Springs
4:30 – 6:30 p.m. | For Curbside pick-op only. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, roll, gravy, dinner for 2. $25 (cash only). Call Monday or Tuesday between 10 a.m. – Noon to place an order. 518-584-2585.
Free Online Partner Dance Class
Tango Fusion Facebook Page | 7:15 p.m.
Every Wednesday we offer a free partner dance class on Facebook Live at 7:15 p.m. Go to our Tango Fusion Saratoga Facebook page and join us for fun. We cannot see you or hear you, but you can see and hear us, and you can type in questions that we are happy to answer. Make sure you say hi when you log in! These next two weeks will feature Merengue.
Thursday, June 25
Online VBS – “Rocky Railway Rally – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through!”
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church | 11 a.m.
Join us for this summer’s Vacation Bible School “Rocky Railway Rally – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through!” This online VBS is being held for five consecutive Thursday mornings, beginning June 25 at 11 a.m. Our own Pastor Adam from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church here in Saratoga Springs will bring a different Bible story to life each week and teach some of the VBS songs. Each family that registers will receive a code to download the positive and uplifting VBS songs that will have your whole family singing! Best of all, like God’s amazing grace, it’s completely FREE! Go to SpaLutheran.org/vbs for more information and to register. Consider this event to be a sneak peek for next summer’s in-person VBS, to be held June 28 to July 2, 2021!