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From the Publisher’s Desk – We Stand with Israel

Since its founding in 1948, the Nation of Israel has been our greatest ally in the Middle East. For 75 years, the lone Jewish state has been a bastion of freedom and democracy in a region dominated by radical regimes, and the world’s most notorious terror organizations.

In its short history, Israel has been relentlessly attacked on all fronts by enemies who seek their total destruction. The most recent attack, which is reminiscent of 9-11, has resulted in 1,200 fatalities as of this writing. But the Jewish people are no stranger to adversity and persecution, and they will rise from the ashes.


On October 7, at 6:30 a.m. local time, air raid sirens began sounding in Jerusalem. The terrorist group Hamas was beginning to launch their unprovoked and unprecedented attack. An estimated 3,000+ rockets were fired into Israel, with one rocket slamming into a hospital.

Simultaneously, armed Hamas fighters breached the Israeli border on multiple fronts and began indiscriminately firing on citizens, and taking innocent men, women and children hostage. Among the hostages are a number of American citizens.

By 11:30 a.m., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared “Israel is at war.”

Those ominous words still ring clear in my head, and I imagine they will be etched in my mind forever. History always has a way of repeating itself. I still vividly remember the words of President George Bush on September 12, 2001:

“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.”



While Saratoga TODAY does not cover world or national news, we do stand up to evil whenever and wherever it exists. We stand for freedom; We stand for human rights; We stand for dignity; We stand for free markets; We stand for democracy; We stand with Israel!

God Bless!
