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From the Publisher: COVID-19


This is Publisher Beatty coming to you from deep underground in the Saratoga TODAY emergency bunker.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, I want to assure you that we are doing everything to maintain stability in our news reporting cycle. This week’s paper just went to press, and we will be dropping bundles at locations by later tonight. As always, we are available at Stewart’s Shops, Price Choppers, Hannaford’s, etc…And you can always stop by our office and grab a copy from one of our newspaper racks located in front of the building. All our home-delivery routes remain intact.

If circumstances eventually eliminate our ability to print and distribute a physical paper for a period, we can still provide you with local news and information through our online and social media outlets. You can also access all our award-winning magazines online right now!

With 75% of our employees now working remotely, we are working diligently to return phone calls and emails. There may be a short delay and we thank you for your patience.

If you are one of our advertisers, we thank you for your ongoing support.
We will continue to deliver your message to our readers and deliver results to your business.

I ask everyone to stay calm, stay smart, and think about those who may be less fortunate or have compromised immune systems. We can get through this together.

Stay Strong, Saratoga.
God Bless You and God Bless America!

Are you looking for a fun way to pass the time and support local businesses while you are quarantined at home? Check out our annual BEST OF THE SARATOGA REGION contest. With over 100 categories, local businesses go head-to-head as they vie for the BEST in their field. CLICK HERE and cast your vote today…and tomorrow.