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Downtown Dilemma: The Follow Up

In mid-September I wrote a story entitled ‘Downtown Dilemma.’

The story, which addressed the many facets of our ongoing homeless problem, received quite a bit of interest and positive feedback.

I ended the story by issuing a challenge to SOS, City Council, the County, Code Blue, and everyone else with the expertise and power to make a difference: Initiate meaningful change that will affect generations, and create a benchmark for other cities and towns to follow.

About a week later I was happy when Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Adam Feldman reached out to me. After a few discussion it was decided that the Saratoga Collaborative to End Homelessness will publish a monthly column in  Saratoga TODAY.

The goal for their monthly columns in partnership with Saratoga TODAY, will be to keep the community informed, educated, and engaged regarding the ongoing efforts to tackle this complex social problem, as well as the causes of, and solutions to, homelessness.

It will explore the collaboration which started in 2019, for the purpose of working as one team, across sectors and agencies, to move beyond programmatic-level approach and develop a systems-level solution to homelessness in Saratoga County.

In this series, they plan to cover the full spectrum of system elements needed to prevent and end homelessness, from affordable housing to supportive services, rental subsidies, and street outreach teams.

The monthly feature begins next week so be sure to check back. Together we can ALL make a difference.